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Windows server datacenter 2016 core free download -Kaspersky Security 10 for Windows Server - The Complete Guide to Hyper‑V Clustering
Not an IT pro? Security TechCenter. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Asked by:. Archived Forums. Windows Server General. Sign in to vote. Hello, I purchased Windows Server Datacenter and other products and the download links I was given no longer work. Once the boot start and the desired language is chosen you will be welcomed with the screen Figure 1 to choose the installation type. Note: Nano Server deployment is not on the list, because you would need to go through a different set of steps to install it.
You can find the full guide on how to do this in our dedicated Nano Server Deployment blog series. Next is our selection here to partition the full size of the drive and then start the installation of the server.
The installation process is fast and the process will automatically reboot the server, to be greeted by changing the server password:. To change the Computer name, choose option 2. Once submitted, a restart will be required Figure 7. The next step is changing the IP address. For this, we will choose option 8 and then select each adapter to configure the desired IP address Figure 8.
These are the basic steps to get you started, but I recommend to go through the list and configure and modify any configuration suitable for your environment. For example, I will enable remote desktop by selecting option 7 and then check the date and time by pressing option 9 and so on.
Another important step that we need to go through before we connect our storage and install Hyper-V role is activate our Windows copy. Select option 11 and then option 3 Figure Time to attach our storage to the server. Once the iSCSI storage is connected to the server, time to add the storage to our server and assign a disk before we start the Hyper-V configuration. Okay, now to the steps:. If the storage is brand new, you need to create and format the partition before you assign a letter as shown on Figure We went through the installation and initial configuration of the Windows Server in Core mode.
We connected our server to the storage in preparation for Hyper-V role that will be covered in the next article. Technical June 13, 5 min to read.
Hal Yaman. Best practices. Windows Server Core minimum system requirements Before you start, check that your hardware meets these minimum system requirements first. Figure 1: Deployment options. Figure 2: Disk partition.
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